Shree Modak Consulting is an online therapy & consulting office of Madhava Lama Guru Dravin Raghubar in the Netherlands.
Shree Modak Consulting is statutory located at the:
Address: Doctor Hermans way, number: 20,
Postal code: 5624 HP,
City: Eindhoven,
Country: the Netherlands.
Phone: (+31) 639 5454 10.
Shree Modak Consulting is registered in the register of the Chamber of Commerce Eindhoven, named: Kamer van Koop Handel (Eindhoven) under the registration number: 82449236.
Shree Modak Consulting is registered in the register of the Dutch Taxes, BTW (the Netherlands) under the registration number: 681048098B02.
This website has no contact form anymore, because it was being misused by illegal third parties for commercial purposes (SPAM). Therefor we have removed the contact form from this website. In case of queries please send us an email or whatsapp on the number given above.