The Book


Book Information

This book provides knowledge and insights into the Brahma Therapy healing system of Lord Brahma, the Creator of this Universe, written by: Madhava Lama Guru Dravin Raghubar, assisted by his fellow student and wife.

This book contains all the basic principles of the Brahma Therapy, the step-by-step development to become a Brahma Therapist. From initiation into AUM and the Brahma Therapy, to the final steps of the aftercare, the Brahma Therapy course information and so on. All is made understandable for the basic reader.

This book has been written within a week, after receiving the Brahma Therapy in Poland. It is written in simple understandable English, in not more than 94 pages. It has been published for the first time on April 27, 2023. As a hard copy book, with a softcover, with only a few illustrations and/or pictures, registered under the ISBN (book number): 978-90-831799-0-2, this book may be sold for EUR 50,- max.(incl. of 9% Dutch BTW taxes, incl. shipping charges). This book may not be re-sold, without prior notice.

Every hard copy consists of a UBN (Unique Book Number) which is registered, signed and blessed by the author himself. This book has been energetically prepared during the Solar- or Lunar eclipse.

The energetic preparation of this book is done for you, so that you may be benefitted from it on all levels of your existence (mind, body and soul). It is consecrated in a Vedic way with supernatural powers and mantras. These positive vibrations may be felt if you hold a copy of this book for the first time. If you bring it closer to your third eye chakra, you may feel some tingly sensation on your skin. This means your book is fully energized with Solar- or Lunar eclipse powers.

The first copies of this year 2023 are registered, signed, blessed and sanctified by the author himself on the Total Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023. During these eclipse hours/minutes your Holy copy has been sanctified with supernatural powers and powerful Vedic mantras. These mantras have their special effects (20 million times more than usual) on your hard copy during the Total Solar Eclipse. This ensures that you will receive a special energized book of the Brahma Therapy, which will change your world from the very first holding of your book (that’s the reason why only hard copies are being sold). It is just like an amulet, a Holy Book, a Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita and so on, which will be consecrated with Holy mantras, invoking the Gods and Goddesses, to bless your copy.

Lord Brahma mantras (God of Creation and Owner of The Brahma Therapy), Goddess Sarasvati mantras (Goddess of Wisdom, Science and Knowledge), Goddess Durga mantras (Goddess of Nature), Lord Surya mantras (Lord of Energy and Vital Power), Lord Krishna mantras (Lord of the Gita Saar), Lord Indra mantras (the King of the assembly of the Gods) and the Guru mantra of the trinity (Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva) were used for the powerful consecration of your hard copy of the Brahma Therapy for Adults.

Please note that after purchase of a hard copy:

  1. You may wrap it in white cloth. Or buy a special book bag (made of cloth) on our website. It ensures that the effects of the consecrated Vedic mantras will remain forever on your book.
  2. Be vegetarian, while reading your hard copy.
  3. Reading in the morning is beneficial, during the Brahma Muhurta. It means the hours of Lord Brahma. This is the time when the Brahma Universe gets aligned with our Universe. The Brahma Muhurta is the time between 03:00 and 06:00 in the morning. Get the full benefits of reading during these hours. Even practicing the initiated AUM meditation during these hours is more beneficial than usual.
  4. Do not let your hard copy fall on (the surface of) the ground. If this happens, please bring the book back to your third eye chakra and ask Lord Brahma for forgiveness. You will be forgiven.
  5. Last but not least: ladies may not read this book while menstruating. After menstrual cycle, you may read again. While reading, consuming non-veg, drugs, smoking, alcohol and so on, is prohibited. This will bring negative results in your life.

It may seem superstitious to follow these rules, having your simple copy of the Brahma Therapy in your hand, but don’t forget to notice the (negative) effects on your life after mistreating this copy. Treat this copy with care, sincerity and devotion. Take it as a blessing from Lord Brahma, so that you may be benefitted fully of the mantras and the moments of consecration (20 million times effects on the Total Solar Eclipse isn’t nothing). I assure you that mistreating this book may cause hurdles in life, stress, depression, madness (and other physical- and/or mental diseases), lack of vitality and energy, and at the end of it, it delivers an untimely death to the stubborn person. This book is dedicated to Lord Brahma, so He will treat the person with same effects, the way he treated His Books & Wisdom. All the first copies published (in total 1.000 copies) will be sold, fully signed, blessed and consecrated with the publishing date of April 27, 2023. If you have any further question regarding this Holy Book, please let us know.

Author Information

My name is Madhava Lama Guru Dravin Raghubar. I am 37 years old, living in the Netherlands, and married to my beautiful wife, Irene Parran. I am an Ayurvedic doctor and a Spiritual Coach, Priest, Guru, Yogi and Siddha (Lama) in the five elements of this universe and Madhava (Master Dharma and Artha, Master in the Universal Law).

I am the author of this book. I am a part of Brahman. I have received this great gift from the universe, AUM and Lord Brahma Himself. I am initiated by Lord Brahma, to spread the knowledge about His Brahma Therapy. In this way I can save the fallen souls, leading them back to the Eternal Abode.

It is since the end of 2018, that I’ve been living as a universal Lama, having the total control of the five elements: fire, water, earth, air and ether. Since mid 2023, i have been graduated in the Universal Law as a Madhava.

I did great penance in India, Japan, Spain and in my home country, the Netherlands. As a child, born in the Caribbean, in the land of the Guianas, Suriname, I have been interested in spirituality from the age of 15 years.

Being a student in the major religions of the world like: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, I have the respect within me and within my soul to accept and see all of these religions as one puzzle of God. All these puzzles makes you a complete religious person. I accepted God as One.

Since the opening of my third eye chakra, I could see the unseen. But after I met my wife, I could see many more and even now I am still developing my spiritual eye. She is the trigger that developed my magical vision. Thanks to her, I see spiritual graphics, planetary charts, percentages and other quantitative numbers. She makes me think out of my comfort zone and out of the box, which is the important reason why I can see many more than before. It makes my predictions easier and it supports me in my profession.

For me it is a normal way of life to see spirits and wandering souls of the hell. And it is also a normal phenomenon to see the Holy Spirits of the Prophets, the Divine Beings, the Holy Guru’s, Gods and His Archangels. I have also visited some Holy and unholy worlds in my dreams and during meditation.

The Brahma Therapy is a blessing of the Gods, Lord Brahma and the Divine AUM. It is a great honor that I have been chosen for spreading this Divine Therapy to the world, as Lord Brahma wishes.