Requirement Information to become A Brahma Therapist
Everyone can become a Brahma Therapist, but first you need to heal yourself with the Brahma Therapy, before you are going to heal others. After you are healed you can join the course to become a Brahma Therapist and if you succeed in the course, you are eligible to be called a Brahma Therapist.
There are several ways to join the club and to become a Brahma Therapist. The first way is the easiest way.
Step 1: Purchase the Book on our website: The Brahma Therapy for Adults. Read it and get it into your subconsciousness. After feeling the urge to get healed, please schedule a Free Call to get a call with the Guru for an appointment to get initiated. The subject of your call may be: ‘More Information about Initiation’.
Step 2: Get an Initiation through the ajna chakra. Please click here for more information.
Step 3: Book your intake session after initiation. Please click here for more information.
Step 4: Book your first therapy session. Please click here for more information.
Step 5: Book your second therapy session. Please click here for more information.
Step 6: Book your six months aftercare sessions. Please click here for more information.
Step 7: Follow Your Brahma Therapist Course. Please click here for more information.
After these seven steps, you will become a successful Brahma Therapist, registered Worldwide on our website(s), blessed with success from the Guru and Lord Brahma, which will make it possible to gain positive (health) karmas. It will transform you into a great mental healer, by which you can heal the World with this unique Brahma Therapy Healing System.
At this moment the Guru provides three types of courses (updated in 2024):
- A Brahma Therapist Course for Beginners (Non-experienced)
- A Brahma Therapist Course for Hypnotherapy Practitioners
- A Brahma Therapist Course for Psychology Practitioners
You can click on the courses above to read more about the three types of courses. For more information about the courses or sent us an e-mail with your questions. We will try to reply as soon as possible.
A Brahma Therapist Course for Beginners (Non-experienced)
You are a non-experienced candidate and want to become a Brahma Therapist in this unique life. You appreciate your life. You know that this life is unique. You also know that you have only one life, which can be a blessing for you and other people. You want to serve yourself and others. You know that this life is a great gift of God (or something Higher and Beyond Understanding). You know for sure (100%) that you are here on earth to serve others with great care, serving the wholeness of existence. Your ego is controlled by your knowledge about it. You want to become a Brahma Therapist for human welfare, and not to promote your ego. You are sure about giving other people the best therapies, which will transform their lives successfully. You want to share your healing system in the best way you can. So, you may enter the online classroom for sure, because we are searching for you to help to make the world into a better place to live on. You are the perfect candidate for receiving the Brahma Therapy Course to heal your brothers and sisters on this globe. This therapy system will serve you too, because it will help you and your surroundings.
You don’t have to be a highly educated person, to become a Brahma Therapist. You only need some guidance to become a therapist. You need the Vedic way to heal people and the Vedic way is the easiest way if you are person, full of devotion, sincere in the heart, searching for the truth, always thinking positive and have a great heart to accept change, apply change in your own life, and feel the urge to change other’s life. If this is you again, you are welcome to join the TBE Class for Adults. Click here to receive more information.
If you think you don’t have the spiritual touch yet, No Problem. You might think that this is only for spiritual persons. No, it isn’t. It is not related to a religion, nor is it a new concept of therapy. It is for the whole existence. Just read the book: The Brahma Therapy for Adults to gain more knowledge about this therapy system. Because it might seem to be for spiritual persons only, but it isn’t. It is for everyone, even the one who doesn’t believe in a Supernatural Power or God. It is for those who think that the heart beats on a battery, the body gets warm for free (as it looks like), the breath is taken for granted (by something usual), and so on. For these persons, we have a first step course: The six months Chakra Course. Click here to receive more information about the course.
Only after this course of six months, a person will be able to follow the TBE Class for Adults. While following the six months course, the person will be seeing things differently. He will appreciate life to the fullest. He will remember the facts from the Veda’s, that life is something unique, after many life forms. He will see the truth of reincarnation, the Karma cycle, the Dharma rights and plights, and the Vedic way of life will be revealed to him in just six months.
After the six months, the TBE Class will welcome him as a person who can become a Dharma and Karma scholar. He will understand the many dimensions of existence, the wonders of life, from a sperm seed to a great human being, and the life after this life, the cycle of birth and death, the way to get his salvation at the end of this life. The TBE scholar, also called the knowledgeable- and spiritual conscious person, will be able to control his Shadripus (six enemies of the human mind), and on weekly basis the person will get the chance to reflect. It is a one-year course to become a Triple Body Expert (TBE) to facilitate a human being to live a great human life. A TBE expert will also help another, knowing the value of money, a special fee, free assets, blessings, spiritual credits and many more. The value of respect, the touch of spirituality and many more, will be made clear during a year of timespan with devotion and unity with the Higher Self.
A great time of meditation and yoga, will transform the person at the end of the TBE course, into the Triple Body Expert. The TBE person can solve a lot of cases in a special way, giving people the life therapy they need. It is a fact that a TBE recognizes a client, as a tiny life form of God, having human experience.
After your TBE Class for Adults, you can then join the Brahma Therapy Course to become a Brahma Therapist, even if you don’t have a practitioner’s background. You can do it the right away. Lord Brahma will be grateful to you, according to your truthfulness and service.
A Brahma Therapist Course for Hypnotherapy Practitioners
You are almost a blessed person, because you are a chosen one to help people to change themselves. You are the chosen one for treating people in a way known by science of today. You are the chosen person to upgrade your healing system, to reach the fullest out of your practices.
If your aim is to help people to change from their core of existence, then the AUM sound will be a great tool, to use into your practices. Without AUM nothing can change for good. And to change another, you have to be changed perfectly. So, you will learn how to use the Brahma Therapy on yourself first, before assisting others.
It is advisable to follow the Chakra Course of Six months and/or the TBE Course, before starting with the Brahma Therapist Course, if you don’t have a spark of the spiritual touch. And if you think you’ve got that within you, you may start directly with the Brahma Therapist Course for Hypnotherapy Practitioners.
You will be grouped into the Hypnotherapy Practitioners Group, working with people from around the globe, in the same field of your practice.
To join this class, we need some background information of you:
1. Education proof (of Hypnotherapist): Copy of Diploma, Certificates and Grades lists.
2. An updated CV about your working experience (as Hypnotherapist): Full CV+picture.
3. A Website link, Facebook Page, Linked-In etc.: Social media links to check & screen.
You will also get a FREE spiritual screening before starting with the Brahma Therapist Course. Please make sure, that your CV has a recent picture of you to make sure your spiritual screening will be possible. Also note, that an assessment is obligatory. After the screening, an assessment will take place (by call or e-mail form). The Guru is not the only person, who will screen the candidates. TBE experts will also screen the new candidates who are interested in the Brahma Therapy Course in 2024.
A Brahma Therapist Course for Psychology Practitioners
You are almost a blessed person, because you are a chosen one to help people to change themselves. You are the chosen one for treating people in a way known by science of today. You are the chosen person to upgrade your healing system, to reach the fullest out of your psychology (and/or psychiatric) practices.
If your aim is to help people to change from their core of existence, then the AUM sound will be a great tool, to use into your practices. Without AUM nothing can change for good. And to change another, you have to be changed perfectly. So, you will learn how to use the Brahma Therapy on yourself first, before assisting others.
It is advisable to follow the Chakra Course of Six months and/or the TBE Course, before starting with the Brahma Therapist Course, if you don’t have a spark of the spiritual touch. And if you think you’ve got that within you, you may start directly with the Brahma Therapist Course for Psychology and Psychiatric Practitioners.
You will be grouped into the Psychology and Psychiatric Practitioners Group, working with people from around the globe, in the same field of your practice.
To join this class, we need some background information of you:
1. Education proof (of Psychology and/or Psychiatric Practitioners): Copy of Diploma, Certificates and Grades lists.
2. An updated CV about your working experience (as Psychology and Psychiatric Practitioners): Full CV+picture.
3. A Website link, Facebook Page, Linked-In etc.: Social media links to check & screen.
You will also get a FREE spiritual screening before starting with the Brahma Therapist Course. Please make sure, that your CV has a recent picture of you to make sure your spiritual screening will be possible. Also note, that an assessment is obligatory. After the screening, an assessment will take place (by call or e-mail form). The Guru is not the only person, who will screen the candidates. TBE experts will also screen the new candidates who are interested in the Brahma Therapy Course in 2024.